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Teatro Regio 


IOriginally called the New Ducal Theatre, the Teatro Regio in Parma was built at the behest of the Duchess Maria Luigia of Habsburg-Lorraine, wife of Napoleon, who was sent to govern the Duchy of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla following the Congress of Vienna. Work began in 1821 on a project by the court architect Nicola Bettoli and the Theatre opened on 16thMay 1829 with Zaira by Vincenzo Bellini with a libretto by Felice Romani.

Galleria Nazionale


The National Gallery of Parma houses over 700 works from the Middle Ages to the late twentieth century.  Beginning in the impressive Teatro Farnese and continuing in the rooms of the Palazzo della Pilotta, the tour offers a fascinating look at masters of Italian and European art from Benedetto Antelami, architect of the Baptistery of Parma, Beato Angelico, Leonardo da Vinci, Correggio and Parmigianino to El Greco and Canaletto, right up to Renato Guttuso.

Cattedrale e Battistero di Parma


LDuomo square , artistic heartland of Parma, it is an authentical architectural masterpiece belonged to our Middle Ages , on which the Duomo, the Baptistery and the Episcopal Palace overlook. Representative of the city , whole point of one of the most beautiful square all over the world, place of silence and prayer, precious treasure chest of peerless art , midpoint for roads and connections with the territory and with the old villages, living symbol of Parma

tante cose da fare e vedere


Prosciutto di Parma


With its full-bodied flavour and silky texture, Parma Ham is a world-class specialty food. Favoured by discriminating chefs, this ham from the heartland of Italy enhances appetizers, pasta dishes, salads, sandwiches and entrées.


Most often, paper-thin slices of Parma Ham should be served at room temperature. There is no need to remove the band of fat around each slice, which helps give the ham its balance of flavour and texture.

Parmigiano Reggiano


There are fascinating journeys which take us through places and times, stories and traditions to stir our emotions and feelings.And sometimes the best part is the return trip.That is how it is with Parmigiano-Reggiano. Its unique and inimitable taste is the return from a long journey through nine centuries of history, passing through a fertile countryside stretching from the Apennines to the river Po, through farms and dairies where there is still a passion for things made with care..............

Culatello di Zibello


I Culatello di Zibello is heritage and richness of that particular foggy flatland near the big Po river: actually, it is the climate itself which represents a determining factor for the right aging of the King of salumi. The art of making Culatello have been passed on for generations and it houses in itself the history of a land, its people's tradition and the particular climate




Two important appointments, in Spring and Autumn, here in Parma in the heart of Emilia and Italy, 

Mercanteinfiera is a true antiques city where more than 1000 exhibitoris from all the major European antiques centres come to show their prizes, their discoveries to tens of thousands of visitors, whether they be professionals, collectors or simply hunters of memories of yesteryear..


Fiere di Parma


Cibus, International Food Exhibition, is the key event of the Italian agri-food sector, the true “platform” enabling the companies committed to “Made in Italy” food to meet the major distributors, importers and professional of domestic and foreign markets.

Salone del camper


The second biggest European event dedicated to the plein air. It offers the opportunity to meet the most prestigious manufacturers of motorhomes and caravans, equipment suppliers, en plein air operators and a significant selection of trailer tents, tents, awnings, and other camping equipment.  


Fiera del tartufo nero di Fragno


Nacque così nell’ultima domenica di Ottobre dell’anno 1984 la "1ª FESTA DEL TARTUFO NERO DI FRAGNO" da tenersi proprio nella piazza della Frazione. Lo scopo della festa era chiaramente quello di fare conoscere, apprezzare e valorizzare sia dal punto di vista economico che gastronomico, questo meraviglioso dono della natura, tanto prezioso quanto misterioso, conosciuto da pochi addetti ai lavori, in grado però di rappresentare per l’economia locale e non solo, un’autentica risorsa dagli sviluppi imprevedibili.Iniziava così un evento unico nel suo genere per l’unicità del prodotto, che avrebbe avuto, negli anni a seguire, successi inaspettati oltre a garantire il vantaggio della "primogenitura", per Fragno e Calestano, della valorizzazione del Tartufo nero di Fragno.

Cantine Aperte

(ultima domenica di Maggio)


Dal 1993 le cantine italiane socie del Movimento Turistico del vino, e non solo quelle, aderiscono alla iniziativa che ogni ultima domenica di maggio vede aprirsi le loro porte al pubblico. L’evento è ormai stabilmente e festosamente entrato nel calendario nazionale delle iniziative promosse a favore dell’enoturismo: una opportunità in più, comune a gran parte delle cantine del territorio collinare parmense, per una esperienza che consente non solo di visitare, riscoprire e, perché no, anche scoprire il fascino dell’ambiente vitivinicolo collinare parmense, suggestivo e ricco di cultura non solo enogastronomica.

Fontanellato (PR)


The antique trade market in Fontanellato takes place on six thousand sqm of square , streets and arcades. It qualifies with historical and artistic objects , exposed in particular and specific work benches all around the Sanvitale Fortress and the arcades . This market is one of the most important and qualified markets of North-Italy . Since 20 years  it is present in the consolidate antique market exhibitions circuit.

Period : every third Sunday of the month from 7.30am to 6.30pm  (free entrance)

Il Labirinto della Masone

Franco Maria Ricci

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